Open-source contributor
• Indie hacker • Web developer • Technical writer
Helping developers learn more about Indie hacking, Open-source and Web
development. Building my competence by learning, applying my knowledge
and sharing.
A CLI tool to help you fetch issues or PR from any repo. You can store in json or txt file. The first of it's kind.
Use git-orca now! A CLI tool to help you fetch issues or PR from any repo. You can store in json or txt file. The first of it's kind.
Use git-orca now! Ih-wiki is an open-source collaborative knowledge base for Indie Hackers. You are free to contribute your knowledge, experience and insights in the realm of indie hacking.
Check it out! An open-source visual studio code snippet extension built to make writing codes with Sails.js easier.
Get started! A simple analytics tool built to monitor pageviews and visits on website. Currently used on ih-wiki 👆
View sitely! I solo built a flask SDK for Treblle API, the project came in 4th place.
Check it out! @c_lennyx Built with
Astro •
Styling with
Tailwind CSS •
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